#ServeSai - United in Love

International Sai Young Adults Service Offering

Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s life was an expression of selfless service. He spoke at length about the power of love and service, and its ability to transform our hearts. He especially encouraged young adults to dedicate their energies to serving the society for the welfare of humanity.

“For the human being love and service are like two wings, with the help of which, one should strive to realise the spirit.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, November 21, 1995

“Sevā (selfless service) is the adoration of the Lord as Vishwa-Virāt Swarūpa, God with multi-faced form and with immanence in the entire cosmos.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, September 22, 1968

Inspired by the life of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the SSSIO International Sai Young Adults Committee invite you to participate in a new initiative #ServeSai – United in Love. Over the months July-September 2022, we invite you to participate in local service activities in your daily life, with family and friends and with the wider community where possible. You are invited to share these projects with us, as we unite as an international family in recognising and serving Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the hearts of all beings and all creation.

Get the #ServeSai Guidebook:   

Sri Sathya Sai International Young Adults Program

In Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s discourse during the World Youth Conference in 1997, He revealed the important role of Young Adults in fulfilling a noble mission:

Young men and women, the world’s good fate, world’s progress is dependent on the transformation of the youth, today. Only when the youth transform themselves with good character, will the world be able to experience ideal virtues.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, World Youth Conference, 1997

The Sri Sathya Sai Young Adults Programme (SSSYAP) seeks to deliver this powerful message to the world through Young Adults worldwide. The Programme encourages men and women, between the ages of 18 and 40, to lead purposeful lives in service of their families, communities, and countries by learning and practicing the spiritual principles revealed by the life, teachings, and work of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Primary importance is given to holistic character development through both personal transformation and selfless service.

The International Young Adults Committee (IYAC) was established under the auspices of the Prasanthi Council and works with its guidance. The IYAC comprises of the International Young Adults Coordinator, Deputy International Young Adults Coordinators, Subcommittee Leads, and the Zone and Deputy Zone Young Adults Coordinators. Together, they coordinate and lead the SSSYAP around the world.

IYAC Subcommittees

The formation of YA subcommittees was included in the resolutions of the Sathya Sai World Youth Festival in July 2016, where around 3,000 Sai Young Adults from 50 countries gathered in Prasanthi Nilayam. The goal is to actively encourage and inspire Young Adults around the world to progress on their spiritual journey.

Each of the subcommittees is comprised of Sai Young Adults from around the world who are talented and motivated, with the yearning and skills to serve. Their efforts build a firm foundation by which these subcommittees can become long-term initiatives serving all members of the SSSIO, and beyond.

The eleven subcommittees are as follows:

For further information about the YA subcommittees or the YA Programs, please contact Ms. Vahinie Pillay, International Young Adults Coordinator: